Design Summary Draft 1

According to the article, "5 Medical Robots..."(2020), there is an increasing amount of interest and funding for medical robots within the healthcare industry. The article suggests that there are many advantages to using medical robots in place of humans and one such advantage is that medical robots can 'automate lower-level tasks' while humans can focus on high priority work. 

The article mentions 5 medical robots that are being used in the industry at the moment. Firstly, the da Vinci Surgical Robot, which provides extra precision for a variety of procedures and helps reduces errors made during surgery. Another precision robotic system is the Cyberknife, which is used to treat tumors with utmost precision. 

The PARO Therapeutic Robot is a unique invention as it is used to aid the recovery of patients from depression, surgery, or any mental illness. The Xenex Germ-Zapping Robot allows rooms to be automatically disinfected within minutes. Lastly, the TUG allows for the transportation of supplies within the hospital. 


1. Case School of Engineering. (2020). 5 Medical Robots Making a Difference in Healthcare


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